Please note that by purchasing services you agree you’ve understood and accepted these guidelines.
- Tarot, while a powerful tool for self-reflection and even DIY “therapy,” is at its core not professional counseling. It is a way of seeing more when you look at yourself or the world, but it will not do miracles or guarantee knowledge.
If you need expertise in areas of business, finance, legality, health, or any other area of licensed professional practice, seek out those experts. I am not a substitute for their experience and credentials.
- I am skilled in reading tarot cards. This does not mean I am psychic, a medium, or in anyway have a connection through them to something beyond. I do not invoke or remove spells or curses. I do not predict lotto numbers or political outcomes.
- My tarot cards do not predict the future — rather, they function in a storytelling framework of probability, cause-and-effect.
Tarot holds up a mirror. You choose what to do with what you see.
- Tarot readings – even individual cards – are not immutable. Meanings shift and grow based on the questions and interactions between reader and querent. I will ask questions as we go along to better focus the reading and draw the most meaning from your cards. The usefulness of those cards and that reading is usually tied closely to the level of honesty you bring.
- I will not ask for any deep-dark secrets, but misinformation on your part will affect the way I read the cards, so it’s not usually worth it. Your personal details will not be shared with anyone unless health or safety requires otherwise.
- Tarot cards are not evil, and none of them are entirely negative. They are paper and ink that centuries of human experience have imbued with reminders of familiar feelings and experiences. No one method of interpretation is more correct than another. Like most art, there is intent behind their creation and patterns in their application, but ultimately their use is determined by each tarot reader/practitioner.
- This means that – as with any other professional – your comfort level and trust in your reader is fully (and appropriately) subjective. Choose the reader and style that speaks to you, and helps you reach your goals and purposes.
- Not every reader is for every querent. If you don’t click with me or I push all your WRONG buttons, I will refund the part of your reading time we haven’t used and suggest alternate readers I admire. Likewise, if I feel we are not a good match, I reserve the right to refund your money and refuse service.
- I will never refuse a querent based on race, size, religion, disability or sexual orientation, and I will do my best to honor the intersection of injustice and strength you carry through this world.
- I will be compassionate and not condemn or judge, but I also will never lie to a querent in an effort to make them feel better or offer false hope.
- I will give readings to a querents under the age of 18 with parent/guardian consent. Tarot is a fantastic tool for learning language about the world and your own instincts as you navigate it.
- The main thing to remember (at any age) is that when you’re feeling insecure, everyone and everything around you may feel like it has more answers and authority than you. Believing that about tarot is one thing that can make it feel scary (and be less-good for you). To have a good experience in a tarot reading, you want to be able to take in the new data tarot offers without feeling like it owns you.
- Please use your common sense and good judgement. No one is asking you to believeĀ this thing, or go do that thing. Your life and choices are always your own.
Latest Edit June 7, 2021