Two-card readings are a nice way to get your feet wet as a tarot newbie, and a quick check-in for anyone who wants some outside input.
These are 2-card readings for querents who were willing to let them be shared on the blog, and the responses of those who agreed to let their comments be public.
For E.A. of Keller, TX.
The Child of Create and Five of Think (reversed) in this deck are analogous to the Page of Wands and the 5 of swords (reversed). This pair of cards feels like a sweet complement or affirmation for you, E. It suggests you’re using your creativity and enthusiasms to interrupt conflict and work toward cooperative solutions that will benefit more than just one person. Well done!
From E.A.
[The reading] made me feel glowy. I definitely connected with the words and interpretation. I train and the reading directly relates to not only my job but things going on with family! As an overall holistic reading, I felt very connected. Using creativity to overcome conflict defines my life!
For A.J. in Whitehall, PA
Your cards speak to a rough season. It looks like you’ve been pressing down some grief to manage the upheaval around you. If I can suggest it, I think the reversed 5 of cups is an invitation to honor the reality of what you’ve lost, and let yourself grieve. The Tower is something we can’t control, and we hope will come around to our ultimate good, but that is usually later.
The Now is where we are, and tears are for you. They also are only for a time – they do have an end – and so often they can help as we look for a way forward.
For E.W. in Bristol, UK
In your cards I see you in a bit of survival mode. You are managing your tension – perhaps feeling the world against you, or your own spoiling for a fight – it’s tough but you’re managing it. This takes a lot of energy, and I get the impression that as a result you’re not able to put the focus you’d like into your own studies.
I’ve always seen the page of pentacles as the student of the beginner’s mind. The diligent consistency to pursue learning. And it probably disappoints you how hard it is to study right now. The way I see it you have two options: Cut yourself some slack (always fair in these situations), and/or let yourself work on a different level.
For example if you’ve been studiously working in order through a text, let yourself “graze” and take in the best bits so you can continue to nourish that part of yourself that misses learning.
[Of course, this assumes these are self-paced studies and you have that option. My heart goes out the enrolled students fighting to reach targets at this time. <3]
For M.H. in New York, NY
You asked about the energy around a job search, and if you like numerology I think you’ll enjoy seeing that both your cards are 8s – a number about personal power.
Short answer, these cards reflect very good energy for a job search (yours or someone else’s), with wands-8 (speed, intensity), and pentacles-8 (steadiness, perseverance) coming together.
If you’re interested in some advice, this reading seems like an invitation to stick with your strengths. Do what you know you’re good at, what you’ve mastered and will WOW your employers. That not being an option, go where you will be allowed/have time to learn. Impatience (on their part or yours) or not being able to perform (especially in unjust circumstances) could hurt you in the long run.
From M.H.
{First impression:} A little startled by the cards and due to the dark colors preparing myself for an answer that I didn’t want to hear and then quite happy to have the reading be very positive about my question. I was also happy with how much information you were able to tell me with two cards.
Your interpretation was clear and concise. You spoke about the cards individually and together. You also gave a summary and then more detail, which I thought was great. Even better was getting an answer to a question that I hadn’t specifically asked (I had been thinking about moving into an adjacent field and now I know that the timing for that isn’t quite right.)
The level of detail, the numerology, the advice were all spot on. I also really liked how you formatted your answer (short summary with individual card meanings and then together, followed by a longer more nuanced interpretation). I really appreciated the part about sticking to my field as I had been seriously thinking about applying for jobs in an adjacent field. I think, especially now, that is very good advice.
For C in Seattle, WA
C wrote:
During COVID-19 stay-at-home, I’ve begun reflecting on and trying to grow, deepen, and clarify my emotional life. How can I best go about this process? What guidance does the Tarot offer me? I’m interested in guidance about areas to spend time with and pay attention, guides for the process, or strengths/skills to draw on.
I wondered if we’d get an answer to the whole of that out of two cards, but this is a good example of asking for what is important to you, because I think you got it.
The king of swords suggests fully engaging your mind in your emotional life. There are excellent books about emotions (The Language of Emotions by Karla McLaren, How Emotions are Made by Lisa Feldman Barrett, The Feeling of What Happens by Antonio Damasio) that will demand work from your mind and the ability to organize your thoughts while processing competing possibilities.
I’d suggest starting with just the first title if you don’t have energy for the “competing” part.
The reversed 2 of cups suggests you keep this exploration close to home – yourself and your closest relationships right now. The reversal suggests an imbalance or perhaps just a “look here” that is an invitation to your attention. Regarding an available skill, I think that is the king of swords as well. Let your inner leader bolster you and give you confidence to pursue what you value.
From C.
I felt very seen — the cards were eerily specific, and Wren’s explanation of their significance succinctly honed in on key ideas for me to think about.
I gasped! I don’t know how you did it, but the deck you chose to do my reading with was perfect! I’ve been admiring Light Seers for a long time. That you recommended books for me was exactly right! I’ve already checked out one of the three as an ebook from my library–thank you, and the gentle suggestion of where to start (‘close to home’) is a welcome one.
Your explanation of the reversal as either a place of imbalance or at least a place to start resonated–this is a tender place and I appreciated how carefully you worded this suggestion.